
Wayback Machine

The Wayback Machine is a digital archive of the World Wide Web founded by Internet Archive, an American nonprofit organization based in San Francisco, ... Internet Archive · Web archiving · Peabody's Improbable History · Bruce Gilliat


舉例而言,1996年啟動的Internet Archive,該組織創建的網站時光機(Wayback Machine)是全球最知名的網頁數位檔案館之一,也是爬取內容最豐富的線上檔案館。

Wayback Machine

Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. FAQ | Contact Us | Terms of Service (Dec 31, 2014). Defining Web pages, Web... · About the Internet Archive · Internet Archive · APIs

Wayback Machine 網站時光機-搜索歷史網頁- 專題文章

網站名稱:Wayback Machine 網站連結:https://archive.org/web/ · 使用教學 · Wayback Machine 線上製作網頁備份.

I created a web archive shortcut that actually works (for passing ...

The shortcut will search for the passed URL and if the article is already been archived it'll show you the article in new window.

互联网档案计划(Internet Archive)

它主要收集英语书籍,但也包括少部分其他语种的书籍,比如朱熹的《论语集注》。 二、网页. 网址:http://www.archive.org/web/web.php. 这个部分有个专门的 ...

Wayback Machine - an overview

The WayBack Machine is an online tool that allows users to access archived versions of websites from the past, providing a timeline of snapshots.

Internet Archive's Wayback Machine

Travel in the Wayback Machine to find Web pages no longer accessible to the public. Browse by date through over 150 billion pages archived since 1996.


網站時光機(英語:Wayback Machine)是全球資訊網的數位檔案館,由位於美國加利福尼亞州舊金山的非營利組織網際網路檔案館建立,亦為該組織最重要的服務之一。


TheWaybackMachineisadigitalarchiveoftheWorldWideWebfoundedbyInternetArchive,anAmericannonprofitorganizationbasedinSanFrancisco, ...InternetArchive·Webarchiving·Peabody'sImprobableHistory·BruceGilliat,舉例而言,1996年啟動的InternetArchive,該組織創建的網站時光機(WaybackMachine)是全球最知名的網頁數位檔案館之一,也是爬取內容最豐富的線上檔案館。,Captureawebpageasitappearsnowforuseasatrustedcitatio...